Are you a company, university or NGO working with newcomers to France? Or a journalist interested in the Welcome Account? Don't hesitate to write to us. We'll get back to you as soon as possible.
Copyright © 2024. Welcome Place - SAS with share capital of €100.00 - 920 756 020 R.C.S. Paris - VAT FR 42 920 756 020 - 60 rue François 1er, 75008 Paris - registered with the ACPR under n°REGAFI 737375 as agent providing payment services for Okali, an electronic money institution approved under CIB 17448 - 890 111 776 R.C.S. Paris - 50 rue la Boétie 75008 Paris.
Welcome Account is a company with a mission to provide simple, incisive financial solutions to all newcomers who come to Europe to work, study or simply live.
Copyright © 2024. Welcome Place - SAS with share capital of €100.00 - 920 756 020 R.C.S. Paris - VAT FR 42 920 756 020 - 60 rue François 1er, 75008 Paris - registered with the ACPR under n°REGAFI 737375 as agent providing payment services for Okali, an electronic money institution approved under CIB 17448 - 890 111 776 R.C.S. Paris - 50 rue la Boétie 75008 Paris.